Carlsen finally wins, Kramnik keeps control

Magnus Carlsen earned his first win at the expence of Alexei Shirov while Vladimir Kramnik took no risks to ensure that he maintains his lead.
Carlsen moves off the bottom whereas Kramnik is an increasingly strong favourite to win the event.

In today's games Vladimir Kramnik obtained the bishop pair but the symmetrical structure and Black's solid position didn't give him any real pressure. A mini-combination just led to simplification and opposite bishops.

Alexei Shirov played one of his favourite systems in the Spanish against Magnus Carlsen. Black seemed active at first but not enough to challenge White's central bind. The World No.1 managed to organize a kingside attack with his bishop pair and eventually won Black's queen for rook and knight. White's kingside pawns supported by the queen were too much for Black's defences.

Round 5:

Magnus Carlsen2826NOR1-0Alexei Shirov2749ESPSpanish Neo-Archangel65
Vladimir Kramnik2780RUS0.5-0.5Viswanathan Anand 2800INDQueen's Gambit Vienna37

The overall standings are as follows:

StandingPlayer (World ranking)RatingAgeCountry1W1B2W2B3W3B4W4BScore (Bilbao)Score (Standard)
1Vladimir Kramnik (5)278035RUSXX==1=1-93.5
2Viswanathan Anand (3)280040IND==XX-1==73
3Magnus Carlsen (1)282619NOR=00-XX1=52
4Alexei Shirov (12)274938ESP-0===0XX31.5

Anand has White against Carlsen, whereas Shirov, seeking his first win, has the white pieces against Kramnik.

As a reminder, here is a summary of the earlier rounds:

Round 1:

Alexei Shirov2749ESP0.5-0.5Viswanathan Anand 2800INDSpanish Berlin41
Vladimir Kramnik2780RUS1-0Magnus Carlsen 2826NORQueen's Indian Defence45
Vladimir Kramnik © official site

Round 2:

Magnus Carlsen2826NOR0-1Viswanathan Anand2800INDSpanish Berlin45
Vladimir Kramnik2780RUS1-0Alexei Shirov2749ESPSlav Defence41
Viswanathan Anand © official site

Round 3:

Alexei Shirov2749ESP0.5-0.5Magnus Carlsen2826NORSpanish Breyer174
Viswanathan Anand2800IND0.5-0.5Vladimir Kramnik2780RUSCatalan opening34

Round 4:

NameRatingCountryResultNameRatingCountryOpeningNo. Moves
Magnus Carlsen2826NOR0.5-0.5Vladimir Kramnik2780RUSEnglish Opening73
Viswanathan Anand2800IND0.5-0.5Alexei Shirov2749ESPFrench McClutcheon38
Magnus Carlsen © official site

For more information go to the Official site

On Friday (15th) you will be able to watch the final round live at the following times:

4.30 pm (Bilbao, Paris)

3.30 pm (London)

6.30 pm (Moscow)

11.30 am (New York)

8.30 am (Los Angeles)

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