Gelfand it is!

Gelfand and Grischuk (official site)
Boris Gelfand won the final game of the Candidates Final in Kazan, Russia and was thus victorious in a tight match. He now becomes the official challenger to Anand and will play him for the World title in 2012. Boris Gelfand is the oldest player in the World's top 60, but has frequently demonstrated great stamina in long events.

Boris Gelfand managed to maintain some tension with his kingside fianchetto against the Grünfeld Defence (generally known as a Neo-Grünfeld). Alexander Grischuk sought piece activity, including swinging a rook to h5, but Gelfand countered by expanding in the centre and Black's rook thus became misplaced.

Gelfand pushed his central pawns and Black's loose pieces led to the Israeli obtaining a decisive advantage.

Name World rank Country Elo 1 2 3 4 5 6 Final Score
Alexander Grischuk 12 AZE 2747 ½ ½ ½ ½ ½ 0 2½ 
Boris Gelfand 16 ISR 2733 ½ ½ ½ ½  ½ 1

The Closing Ceremony will be tomorrow.

For more information go to official site

Otherwise another useful source is: Fédération Internationale des Échecs


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